The eagerly anticipated sequel to “Batman,” directed by Matt Reeves and starring Robert Pattinson, has been postponed by almost exactly one year, moving from its original release date of October 3, 2025, to October 2, 2026. This delay, as reported by Deadline, is a direct result of the simultaneous strikes by actors and writers that brought the film industry to a standstill in the second half of 2023, significantly impacting the production schedule of the film.
This shift in release date didn’t come as a total surprise to fans, who had been speculating about a possible delay, particularly after Jeffrey Wright (Commissioner Gordon) mentioned that he had yet to receive the script for the sequel. “Batman 2” will see the return of Matt Reeves at the helm and in the writing room, co-writing the script with Mattson Tomlin, who had an uncredited role in crafting the first film’s narrative.
Of the original cast, Robert Pattinson is confirmed to reprise his role as the Dark Knight. Hints from Jeffrey Wright and Barry Keoghan (Joker) suggest their participation, though official confirmations are still forthcoming. The first film also starred Zoë Kravitz (Catwoman), Paul Dano (Riddler), Colin Farrell (Penguin), and Andy Serkis (Alfred), contributing to a box office haul of over $770 million worldwide. The film is available for streaming on Max.